Sea Gifts

Art of the Sea

Both pearl and abalone shell hold the same divinatory meaning: Shells are made up of calcium carbonate and grow in the ocean, forming part of a living ecosystem. Various types of shell have been used as gems for centuries. One of these types include those made up of pearly layers: mother of pearl, abalone and New Zealand paua.

Many of us love the Ocean and its rejuvenating energy of the sea. The Ocean covers a large part of our planet and it has natural healing properties with its vibrational power and magnitude. The sea, beach and air around the ocean has natural cleansing ability, the salt within the air, the beach which you walk on, all have purifying properties to remove negative emotions and help heal. The seashells are a physical part of the Ocean and have been born within its depths, so they are very special and unique. They are beautiful to hold with their vibration having a serious role in healing our planet, mother earth. For many years the Hawaiians studied healing and they encouraged any of their children who showed the natural gift of healing. The Hawaiians believed the mind, body and soul of a person were all interlinked and the physical body could not be healed without healing the spirit of the person. One of the healing methods they used was seashells, by placing them on the person to restore spiritual and physical health.

Seashells have the natural ability to disperse negative energy. Due to their home being the Ocean which is concentrated in sea salt. The shells have a protective base in which negativity finds hard to penetrate.

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl brings the gentle healing power of the sea.  It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions.  Mother of Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability.  It helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced.  Calming and soothing to temper or feelings of fear.  It enables you to more easily express feelings of love.  Mother of Pearl helps with clarity in decision making and is helpful for endurance, organisation and for home life.

Mother of pearl bracelet made by



Abalone Shell is a colorful shell that incorporates the beautiful colors of the Sea. Abalone is closely connected to that of the Water element and the vibrations of Love, Beauty, Gentleness, Caring, Compassion and Peace. It is also known as “the Sea Ears” because of it’s flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior. On an intuitive level, Abalone helps to stimulate psychic development and intuition while promoting the power of imagination. It has a soothing vibration that can help calm emotions during deep healing and will emotionally support the growth of Self. Abalone will help with anxiety and stress related issues in high strung individuals. It will also help with relief with arthritis, joint disorders, muscular problems, the heart and the digestive system. It is very helpful for athletes that would like to help build and protect healthy muscle tissue while strengthening the heart muscles!

The pastel rainbow colors of the Abalone shell enhance feelings of peace, beauty, compassion and love. It enhances the four C’s–communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise, which lead to harmony and balance. It strengthens the immune system, energize the body and aid in the assimilation of proteins. Holding a piece of abalone shell may make you feel: love, beauty, gentleness, caring, comfort, peacefulness, delight, solace, sand, water. Abalone Shell has the colors of the ocean in it, blues, greens, purples and yellows. It is soft to the touch from repeated tumbles in the sand and water. It has slight ripples on it like the patterns left in the sand as the waves lapse over it. It is comforting to hold it and rub the softness like you would a worry stone. People are instantly taken with its beautiful colors. To look at it brings me instantly to the ocean. The play and variety of colors represent change as the beauty of existence. Energies of Abalone are protection and emotional balance.

Organza necklace with abalone shell 11

Organza necklace with abalone shell  14