
Amber collectionAmber Collection
Our wires, necklaces and pendants are made from pure Baltic amber.

Amber teething necklaces for babies

Once a child starts cutting teeth, it can be a painful process for children and parents alike with remedies including everything from clean, wet washrags to pain relief pills. One of the oldest methods available is an amber teething necklace, which the child wears around their neck helps relieve the pain associated with teething.

Amber Teething Necklaces are designed and custom made for babies, all they have to do is wear it on their skin, to diminish the pain and discomfort caused by teething.
Baltic amber teething necklace are made to be worn by teething children to provide them with natural pain relief from teething symptoms. Amber is a natural analgesic and when worn on the skin, it releases healing oils that helps babies and young children to stay calm and more relaxed throughout teething. Amber necklaces are a great natural remedy and can eliminate the need for over the counter drugs.

Ancient Egyptians actually used pine resin as an embalming agent, and doctors in the Civil War, lacking anything else, would sometimes slap tree resin on a wound as a disinfectant and saved lives that way. Worn close to the skin, the body’s heat helps release minuscule amounts of oil from the amber, which is then absorbed into the blood stream.

Baltic amber has be known to reduce acidity in the human body in a totally natural way. By having the baby wear the necklace everyday it helps reduce the common symptoms related to teething such as; redness in the cheeks, swollen gums, diaper rashes and fevers.   Amber necklaces can be worn by children aged between 3 months to 2 years of age – which is about the time baby teething stops. Getting your baby used to wearing an amber necklace from a young age is a good idea as the earlier the baby starts with the necklace, the easier it becomes a part of them. They are so used to it being there, that they don’t pay attention to it by pulling on it or attempting to bite it.
The Baltic amber necklaces are extremely effective in reducing pain, fever and inflammation caused by the growth and tooth eruption.
Therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties of amber are recognized by allopathic medicine as a natural analgesic, relieving toothache and calming the baby without having to resort to conventional medicine or drugs.
Amber is very light and comfortable to wear.

Amber for Adults
The wires for adults contain amber healing properties and are used as tranquilizers, recuperators and protecting the immune system, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Amber benefits
– Revitalizes the body
– Calming and soothing
– Protector of the immune system
– Anti-inflammatory and analgesic

Amber necklace adult